
Workouts and Weightloss Wednesday Ft Tilly WK 4

Workouts and Weightloss Wednesday Ft Tilly WK 4

Sorry about my tardiness with this post last week, as #wwwednesday happened Thursday, but I am back on, last week I had mentioned that I had been to the gym with a male friend of mine and …
Pink/Black Drama CutCrease

Pink/Black Drama CutCrease

this is mainly gonna be a picture only post with a few directions at the bottom, if you want me to do a video, share it on google+ if I get loads of shares I will upload a video for you gu…
CrownBrush Unboxing & Review

CrownBrush Unboxing & Review

CrownBrush is a colour company that specialize in pigment, previous to their cosmetic experience they have background in paint for both house/interior/ exterior and art, which is why they …
Workouts and Weightloss Wednesday Ft Tilly WK 3

Workouts and Weightloss Wednesday Ft Tilly WK 3

This week has been up and down, because there has been days that have gone over and days that I've simply been uninterested by food, take Tuesday for example, I had had only a BLT for …