So I finally did it.
After pestering "the male" for probably about a year we have finally moved in, we moved in on 23rd of November and I love our house. We have some amazing crown moulding in all the rooms and even though I am renting at the minute I doubt we'll be out of here soon.
I know I was definitely ready because I don't miss my mum, well obviously I do but I don't miss her as much as I thought I would, I think it took me two weeks to get over not having her around all the time but in hindsight we didn't see each other that often when living together because I worked 9-5/8-4 and she worked 4-10 or 6-10. She was just a warm presence.
If anyone reading this has ever read the secret and power of manifestation, I think I did this for this house as I've wanted to live in the area I do now for absolutely ages, I remember driving past the place thinking I will live here one day and then BAM I do now.
I also manifested a washing machine, no joke, and a cheap 4 seater sofa that is out of this world comfy. I bet you're thinking, wow she's lost it, she cannot of possibly plucked a washing machine out of thin air but I tell you now I did and it's perfect, it'll last us at least two years.
I'll tell you how I did it.
Well I picked my friend up from her house and I was obsessed with getting on top of the washing at my mum's because well... it was a disaster, we had a washer and a dryer and 4 of us living at the house, one of us was over 20 stone and therefore his clothes had a lot more fabric than mine, mum and J's (my boyfriend). I had it planned in my head that I was gonna buy one from Argos on a buy now pay later scheme! Raise your hand if you are poor like me ^^^^
Not only was this deep seated in my head for current washing purposes but I thought it would be a mint idea for when I moved out. I was speaking to my friend saying "I'm gonna go get one and pay half of it when I get paid" I dropped her off home and went and got jack from mine, we went out and when we come back there was literally a washing machine outside of my house. No fucking lie!

The neighbour DIRECTLY across the road was chucking his out for a different colour, (what a reason to get rid of a perfectly good washer ey? Their loss MY gain) and we hooked it up and it worked perfectly! I am so proud of it. Now it sits Pride of place in my kitchen.
This sofa cost £405, we got it just after we moved in.We were originally gonna get an IKEA sofa but nothing was big enough and under £500 and for some reason the seats are really hard so we decided to look at a furniture warehouse that has ex display items for considerably cheaper. Oh boy I am glad I did. I still want to tart it up with some extra cushions however but I love it. I've fallen asleep on it so many times and it's so deep that both me and J can lay down on it.

The rug in front of the sofa was bought in my first year at uni in 2012 from a market trader. Its the exact width of the fireplace hearth! It's like it was meant to be.
We did quite a lot of saving in the 6 weeks to move out as we wanted to make sure that we weren't without anything when we got in the house. I did a lot of sums in the work up to moving in to make the process of moving feel as seamless as possible. J's bills got paid and so did mine and we managed to save on average around £550 week for 6 weeks to cover the bond, rent, fees, sofa and kitchen things.
At the time I had just paid off some bills for the rest of the year from an exit bonus I did when I finished my last temp job and luckily for me I got a job straight after that was close to home (my mum's) whats absolutely amazing is even though my house is 8 mile away from work now there is a bus that comes outside my house where conveniently there is a bus stop and drops me off outside work, it goes over the motorway to do this! It comes on the hour and I get to work on time with 15 mins to spare. If I drove I know full well I would be late. It's like fate is telling me I will work there and live here.
All in all, it was a really seamless process for us both and I think it was a long time coming!
I love our new house and hope you'll follow me in exploring some up cycling ideas I've got in mind for some gifted bits from family and friends and some thrifted bits we have bought off of Facebook marketplace.
After pestering "the male" for probably about a year we have finally moved in, we moved in on 23rd of November and I love our house. We have some amazing crown moulding in all the rooms and even though I am renting at the minute I doubt we'll be out of here soon.
I know I was definitely ready because I don't miss my mum, well obviously I do but I don't miss her as much as I thought I would, I think it took me two weeks to get over not having her around all the time but in hindsight we didn't see each other that often when living together because I worked 9-5/8-4 and she worked 4-10 or 6-10. She was just a warm presence.
If anyone reading this has ever read the secret and power of manifestation, I think I did this for this house as I've wanted to live in the area I do now for absolutely ages, I remember driving past the place thinking I will live here one day and then BAM I do now.
I also manifested a washing machine, no joke, and a cheap 4 seater sofa that is out of this world comfy. I bet you're thinking, wow she's lost it, she cannot of possibly plucked a washing machine out of thin air but I tell you now I did and it's perfect, it'll last us at least two years.
I'll tell you how I did it.
Not only was this deep seated in my head for current washing purposes but I thought it would be a mint idea for when I moved out. I was speaking to my friend saying "I'm gonna go get one and pay half of it when I get paid" I dropped her off home and went and got jack from mine, we went out and when we come back there was literally a washing machine outside of my house. No fucking lie!

The neighbour DIRECTLY across the road was chucking his out for a different colour, (what a reason to get rid of a perfectly good washer ey? Their loss MY gain) and we hooked it up and it worked perfectly! I am so proud of it. Now it sits Pride of place in my kitchen.
This sofa cost £405, we got it just after we moved in.We were originally gonna get an IKEA sofa but nothing was big enough and under £500 and for some reason the seats are really hard so we decided to look at a furniture warehouse that has ex display items for considerably cheaper. Oh boy I am glad I did. I still want to tart it up with some extra cushions however but I love it. I've fallen asleep on it so many times and it's so deep that both me and J can lay down on it.

The rug in front of the sofa was bought in my first year at uni in 2012 from a market trader. Its the exact width of the fireplace hearth! It's like it was meant to be.
We did quite a lot of saving in the 6 weeks to move out as we wanted to make sure that we weren't without anything when we got in the house. I did a lot of sums in the work up to moving in to make the process of moving feel as seamless as possible. J's bills got paid and so did mine and we managed to save on average around £550 week for 6 weeks to cover the bond, rent, fees, sofa and kitchen things.
At the time I had just paid off some bills for the rest of the year from an exit bonus I did when I finished my last temp job and luckily for me I got a job straight after that was close to home (my mum's) whats absolutely amazing is even though my house is 8 mile away from work now there is a bus that comes outside my house where conveniently there is a bus stop and drops me off outside work, it goes over the motorway to do this! It comes on the hour and I get to work on time with 15 mins to spare. If I drove I know full well I would be late. It's like fate is telling me I will work there and live here.
All in all, it was a really seamless process for us both and I think it was a long time coming!
I love our new house and hope you'll follow me in exploring some up cycling ideas I've got in mind for some gifted bits from family and friends and some thrifted bits we have bought off of Facebook marketplace.
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