So I went to the salon to go darker, as I have been wanting to branch into the world of deep brunette for a long time, before my salon trip my hair was very toffee blonde, with my natural colour at the top (which is more of an ashy brown which made my hair look dip dyed). See picture below. I wanted to go a much deeper brown with very little red tone, as I have been red and even though it was a fantastic colour it was more veering towards ashy plum red than true red and because my skin tone is quite yellow, I didn't wanna go to a colour that would wash me out.
Colour theory is a doddle to me, when I was at secondary (high) school I could always match a colour to the picture even if I only had reds, blues, and yellows. I did come out with a GCSE in art of a C, which is surprising as I only actually managed to complete ONE piece of coursework. I remember my teacher saying "Natalie, you have the talent, you can visually represent anything in an aesthetic way, but girl, you are REALLY layyy-zeeee". That quote has stuck with me forever. Teachers are they best aren't they?
Colour theory is needed in many different things, including Make-up AND hair. Makeup Artists and Hairdressers need a vast understanding of colour theory to know what will and what won't work with your skintone. There is also flat colours, such as your black and white, white hair is VERY hard to achieve, as your cancelling out all the colours with its opposite, and then lightning and lightning till there is no colour left.
If you make your hair white, DO. NOT. DO. IT. ALL. AT. ONCE. Especially if you have very dark hair.
This is my theory with hair
All redheads, look great any colour as long as they are warm toned colours.
Blondes who have golden tans look great with warmer hair (Golden, Cherry, Mahoganny, RedBlack)
Olive skinned honey's look better if they have dark honey blondes than light ashy blonde.
Yellow based black women look GREAT with red hair. Think Rihanna.
Cool skin tones look better with ashy colours, too much warmth can make them look a tad "dead".
This hair was in desperate need of TLC as the ends were knackered and can you see the ridge of lighter colour through the middle, thats where I had had it last highlighted some 9 months before. This band of bleached hair was problematic after the colour had been placed on. I went red in december 2012, then in january 2013 I went darker and its washed out as you can see, the regrowth of my roots is 6 months and its a lot of hair.

After washing, it was cut into style, making it a lot lighter which is better because as the weight of ponytails were causing headaches. Its still as thick, I can't change the coarseness of it unless I had a relaxer, but they are mainly for people with very coarse afro-caribbean hair. Theres just three hairs sprouting out of one hole.
She made the layers shorter so it would have more body in the top as at the moment its just hanging lank, and lifeless. The habit of straightening and blow drying my hair is dimishing, and the condition is miles better than before, straightening and heat have took a back burner (unintentional pun) to make it better in quality and let it grow.
This is where we noticed the problem with the blonde segment, because there had been bleach, a base brown, a red, a vegetable dye, a brown drugstore box colour, and this colour on this part, (excluding the regrowth) the section was starting to "pull". What I mean by "pulling" is, when combing it sailed through smooth and then when it got to that bit it was course and not as smooth and soft.
Like the regrowth was nice because it was virgin hair, as soon as it got the the battered section, it didn't want to go through it. The hairdresser recommended a treatment next time I come in, six weeks away. During my wait I am doing my best not to be harsh on my hair and let my natural oils come through as I left it unwashed for three days since getting it done.
I will be updating my hair care posts more often so you can see what I do to get it in the best condition possible. What do you think of the colour change? I'd love for you to leave a blogpost comment, and tell me any hair changes you've had this past month. Thank you for reading guys.
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